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Table 1 Summary of mathematical notation

From: Adaptive error protection coding for wireless transmission of motion JPEG 2000 video






Size of the compressed bitstream, in bits

m i

\({m_{i}} = \Sigma _{j = i}^{{N_{k}} - 1}{M_{j}}\), complementary cumulative distortion (CCD)

N k

Number of pieces the bitstream is split into

\(\hat m\)

\(\hat m = {(\Pi _{i = 0}^{{N_{k}} - 1}{m_{i}})^{1/{N_{k}}}}\), geometric mean of the CCD


Size of each piece (with 2-byte CRC) before channel coding, in bits

\(\bar {r}_{\text {min}}\), \(\bar {n}_{\text {min}}\)

Minimum average channel code rate and piece length after channel coding, in bits or bytes

n i

Size of the i-th piece after channel coding, in bits

σ 2

Variance of the compressed frame coefficients

p i

p i (n 0,n 1,…,n i ), probability that no transmission errors occur up to piece i

Δ ρ

MSE profile sampling step width, in bits/pixel

M i

MSE distortion of reconstructed frame using the first i pieces


Differential entropy of the frame


Number of available transmission alphabet symbols in the symmetric channel

\(\tilde N\)

Number of mother R-S codes


Symbol error rate of the Q-ary symmetric channel

\(\tilde {r}_{l}\)

\(\tilde {k}_{l} / \tilde {n}_{l}\), channel code rate of the l-th R-S code

\(\tilde {P}_{S}\)

Q-ary symbol error rate estimated at the receiver

w i

Index of the R-S code used in the i-th piece

P b

Effective bit error rate of the Q-ary symmetric channel

α i , β i

Fractional number of codewords, in piece i, with R-S channel code rate \(\tilde {r}_{w_{i}}\) and \(\tilde {r}_{w_{i} + 1}\), respectively

γ b

Average signal-to-noise ratio of the AWGN or Rayleigh fading channels

α i′, β i

Integer number of codewords, in piece i, with R-S channel code rate \(\tilde {r}_{w_{i}}\) and \(\tilde {r}_{w_{i} + 1}\), respectively

h(n l )

Probability that a piece of n l bits is channel-decoded without residual errors

\(\delta _{\alpha '_{i}}\)

Amount of rate \(\tilde {r}_{w_{i}}\) codewords normalized to the total number of codewords

C, s, d

Amplitude, decay, and offset constants of the log-linear model for the combined transmission channel/channel code performance

N row, N col

Dimensions (rows and columns) of the block interleaver

f D

Doppler spread of the Rayleigh fading channel


Lagrange multiplier used for the optimization step

r s

Source code rate, in bits/pixel

\(\bar {r}\)

Channel code rate


Combined source and channel rate, in bits/pixel


Number of frames in the YUV video sequence

R b

Transmitted bit rate, after source and channel coding

\(\epsilon _{i}, \bar {\epsilon }\)

Per-frame and average MSE of the received video sequence

\(\bar {n}\)

Average piece length after channel coding, in bits or bytes

\(\Gamma _{i}, \bar {\Gamma }\)

Per-frame and average PSNR (in dB) of the received video sequence

\(\iota _{i}, \bar {\iota }\)

Per-frame and average MSSIM of the received video sequence

F E (ε)

a posteriori cumulative distribution function of the per-frame MSE ε i