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Table 3 An example of a three-supporting triplet

From: VISTA: achieving cumulative VIsion through energy efficient Silhouette recognition of mobile Targets through collAboration of visual sensor nodes

Malfunction triplet

Failing nodes



(malfunction/battery outage)

working nodes

Triplet 1: ‘ 1’, ‘ 2’, ‘ A’

If ‘ 1’ and ‘ 2’ fail

‘ A’ works

Triplet 2: ‘ 2’, ‘ 3’, ‘ B’

If ‘ 2’ and ‘ 3’ fail

‘ B’ works

Triplet 3: ‘ 3’, ‘ 4’, ‘ C’

If ‘ 3’ and ‘ 4’ fail

‘ C’ works

Triplet 1: ‘ 1’, ‘ 2’, ‘ A’

If ‘ A’ fails

‘ 1’ and ‘ 2’ work

Triplet 2: ‘ 2’, ‘ 3’, ‘ B’

If ‘ B’ fails

‘ 2’ and ‘ 3’ work

Triplet 3: ‘ 3’, ‘ 4’, ‘ C’

If ‘ C’ fails

‘ 3’ and ‘ 4’ work

Triplet 2: ‘ 2’, ‘ 3’, ‘ B’

If ‘ 2’,‘ 3’, and ‘ B’ fail

‘ A’ and ‘ C’ work