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Figure 5 | EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing

Figure 5

From: A two-fly tracker that solves occlusions by dynamic programming: computational analysis of Drosophila courtship behaviour

Figure 5

Selected examples and error patterns. Four examples, each depicting alternating σ and τ sequences, σ sequences are on light-gray background. Columns contain a sequence identifier, sequence length (frames), s values of siz1m, t values of posm, t values of bocT. S-methods provide s values for σ sequences, t-methods provide t values for τ sequences. The remaining six columns contain color-coded <v a l u e>:<d e c i s i o n> pairs, the two headers specify which s-method (above) and t-method (below) were combined for each column, combinations with zeros resemble local method results. <d e c i s i o n> entries indicate resulting identifier assignments for local respective combined methods in each column; green color resembles correct assignments; bold and red color marks wrong assignments. <v a l u e> entries resemble the local method’s certainties; ε resembles the smallest possible value and is used when a method cannot come up with a meaningful decision; Ω resembles the largest possible value.

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