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Figure 4 | EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing

Figure 4

From: Efficient registering of color and range images

Figure 4

Manual assessment of disparity over a point its peer in a color image. (a) Pc represents a point given in a color image while Pd represents its counterpart in the range image. By measuring the distance (in pixels) between Pc and Pd, a sample of the disparity between the parallel planes (given at depth) can be assessed. Notice that for this figure, color and depth images were already calibrated (depth map was modified) and merged on the bottom image, therefore, the disparity was corrected to zero. (b) A point (red) manually marked within a zoomed area in both a color image (right) and a depth map (left). While manual markup to the right is regarded as an easy task, manual markup to the left is not. Automatic algorithms fail to detect this point due to boundaries' discontinuities caused, in turn, by physical issues of range measurement hardware. The dashed lines represent the human-eye intervention needed to approximate the boundaries and calculate the point precisely.

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